viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Differences between open office software and microsoft office software.

There are many text processors that allow us to create text files and spreadsheets that allows us to represent information in a digital way.The most  known ones are the microsoft office and openoffice.First , microso
ft office just allow 3 instalations per home, and libreoffice has ilimitated instalations per home.Microsoft office includes text processor, spreadsheet, presentattions and one note.Openoffice has text processor,spreadsheet,presentations,vector drawing,ecuations, and database.
Both softwares require a processor of minimum 500Mhz to work , and one of 2 (2)ghz for a propper working.Both require a minimum memory of 256 Mb.
But on other installation and functioning requirements, openoffice is optimum , because it's less exigent, for not so good devices.The price is also significant, microsoft office costs 125,10€ , and openoffice is completely free.Basically , if you just want a text processor for school works and casual aplications ,go for open office, but if you are a professional you would prefer to use a payed software.

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